High Tech & Manufacturing

Accelerate Innovation, Navigate Trends, and Dominate the Future

Keep pace with rapid industry changes with modernized systems and agile processes that can respond quickly to evolving trends and customer needs.

Our value add
Legacy modernization & innovation

Legacy systems and processes prevent you from meeting new-age demands. Today’s customers are more sophisticated than ever and want seamless digital experiences.

Accellor helps High Tech and Manufacturing companies replace their legacy systems and processes with modern digital systems and processes to promote innovation, respond faster to market trends, and thrive in a hyper-competitive market.

  • Marketing, Sales & Customer Service
    Transform your existing marketing, sales, and customer service systems to reduce manual work and improve efficiency. Empower your marketing, sales, and customer service teams to leverage data effectively for enhanced customer engagement, more accuratetargeting, and improved conversion rates.
  • 360-degree Customer View
    Get a holistic view of your customers by integrating internal and external systems. Get deep insights about the customers through a single platform and leverage it to provide a seamless customer experience across all channels.
  • Automated Product Catalog & Pricing Refresh
    Integrate the product catalog with product master, customer master, etc., to manage complex sales processes and optimize the quote-to-order process.
  • Automated Quote to Order
    Convert a quote into order by simplifying and automating the quote generation, contract negotiation, and order management process.
  • Customer Service, Support, Entitlements
    Reimagine and modernize your contact center to provide seamless customer support across different touchpoints — such as live chat, emails, and multilingual call support. Build a comprehensive online knowledge base and provideaccess to agents and customers. Leverage cloud-based services to streamline authoring, management, and content delivery across all platforms and channels.
  • Seamless Warranty, RMA, and Reverse Logistics
    Simplify backend systems to streamline the warranty management process. Whether for a simple replacement or a complex case such as B2B entitlement, warranty management can help your agents validate claims and their eligibility and delegate them to the right agent for RMA management. Improve data accuracy by 20% by transitioning from the swivel chair approach of tracking warranty claims in three disparate applications to viewing them in a single window.
  • AI-based Fraud Detection
    Reduce instances of fraud by detecting them early on with the help of AI-based analytics tools such as Salesforce’s Einstein.
  • Consistent Customer Experience
    Prevent customer churn by providing them with an engaging and consistent experience throughout the customer journey. Empower your agents with the full view of your customer’s information through CRM and other internal systems so that they can address customer’s queries more effectively. Strengthen your omnichannel capabilities and be present 24/7 across all touchpoints to enhance customer experience.
  • Simplified Customer Acquisition
    Take the prospect from the journey of expressing interest in a product on your website to becoming a customer. Assign the lead to the correct territory to seamlessly convert them into an opportunity and eventually a quote.
  • Intelligent Chip Manufacturing
    Retire legacy systems and modernize legacy processes to build a future-ready, innovative organization. Automate processes — such as case management, knowledge base updates, and leadmanagement — to improve agent productivity and reduce process errors.
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