Travel & Transportation

Provide travelers with seamless experiences at every stage of their journey.

 Meet the personalized needs of savvy travelers using next-gen approaches and solutions.

Our value add
Crafting individualized interactions

Travel providers need to maintain a fine balance with travel agents, aggregators, and distributors, who are important channels for generating business. The travel experience, however, is still the overarching responsibility of the travel provider – the airline, hotel, rental car company, train operator, etc.

Accellor empowers travel providers to provide customers with seamless and personalized experiences throughout their journey and build customer loyalty.

  • Digital readiness
    Get an expert view of the state of tech in your business. Our Digital Readiness Assessment framework evaluates your business processes and IT capabilities to rapidly deliver comprehensive and actionable recommendations for your tech roadmap.
  • Enterprise design
    Empower your business with platforms that can constantly evolve. We design pragmatic and effective enterprise architectures that are modular, scalable, flexible and secure. Discover a world of best-of-breed Cloud platforms, microservices and continuous delivery.
  • Process optimization
    Leverage state-of-the-art technology and our vast experience to identify opportunities to streamline your business and operations. We simplify, integrate and automate platforms and systems to reduce waste and deliver efficiencies.
  • Cost transformation
    Eliminate visible and hidden costs in your business while creating the next generation of business capabilities. Our cost strategies deliver Capex and Opex reductions through the optimal us of systems replacements, process improvement and resource utilization.
Related Case Studies
Customer success narratives spotlighting our experience & expertise
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